.. include:: symbols.rst Keywords ======== As per the `official V documentation `_. * ``fn`` - begins a function declaration in any of these shapes: 1. Pure function without specified return :doc:`type ` i.e. having the default ``void`` return type. .. code:: fn name() fn name(arg int, arg2 string, ...) 2. Pure function with specified return type. .. code:: fn name() int fn name(arg int, arg2 string, ...) int 3. Struct method without and with argument and result :doc:`types `. .. code:: fn (m MyStruct) name() int fn (m MyStruct) name(arg int, arg2 string, ...) int For more examples and explanation check |functions|_ and |methods|_ in V documentation. * ``import`` - imports a module so a program can access it and its public symbols such as constants, structs or functions * ``mut`` - makes a variable mutable (editable) * ``in`` - checks whether |array_type|_ or |map_type|_ on the right side contains a value on the left side (``value in array``, see |in_kw|_ for more) * ``break`` - breaks an iteration of a |for_loop|_ * ``const`` - declares a module-level variable that will never change (see |const_kw|_ for more) * ``return`` - returns a value from a function * ``exit`` - exits a program when encountered, allows user to specify the exit code for operating system * ``continue`` - immediately skips to the next iteration of a loop * ``break`` - stops the loop from any further iteration * ``panic`` - exits a program and marks the program as unsuccessfully stopped with an exit code.